Have you ever struggled to make money online? Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the information available online - in the form of ebooks, reports, audios and videos? Then you have come to the right place.
This section will give you all the information you need, but in small, easy to digest chunks. All you need to do is work on the steps, one at a time, and very soon you will have your website making money for you.
Note: Do not skip any of these steps. Some of them may seem very simple or you may think you are spending too much time on one step. Don't worry - these steps are necessary for the success of your website. If you create a website without much planning, you will just lose money.
Let's start today with what you need to start making money online. Here is a short list:
a computer with internet access (if you don't have access to internet at home, you can do it in a cyber cafe too)
- a website (even a free one will do)
- a topic to build your website on
- an Ad Sense account
- and last, but not the least, 1-2 hours everyday.
So here is what I want you to do. Take a piece of paper and start jotting down all the stuff you are interested in. This could be hobbies like gardening, stamp collecting etc. Or this could be a skill like classical music, playing the guitar. Or maybe sports - cricket, basketball, whatever!
Don't spend too much time trying to think if you can make a website on it. Just start jotting down the topics.
Then narrow it down - select one of these topics and write down everything you would like to see on a website on this topic
For example, if it is a site about cricket, you can write about what cricket is, how it is played, which are the top teams now and who are the popular players, what the top score.... is and the list will go on.
While selecting a name for your website, try to think of something which will suit your topic. For example, if the topic is bonsais, the website could be bonsais.geocities.com. Or bonsais.50webs.com
When you build your website, remember these things
- Keep the layout simple. This means no flashy graphics, no rotating images etc. This just distracts your reader and you will end up not making any money at all.
- Make sure you have a good navigation menu. This means, users should be able to access your menu from all pages
Stick to one topic. Each website should have one topic and one topic only. If you start a site about gardening, don't jump over to sports or anything else by the third page.
I'm sure you have finished creating your website by now. Now, today we will apply for an AdSense account. Google AdSense helps you make money from your website by placing small text ads on your site. The best part of it is that the ads are related to your website content, and whenever visitors click on the ads, you make money. How simple is that.
For applying for GOOGLE ADSENSE You have to just fill up information like you name, email, postal address, and the website link. It will take two minutes for you to sign up.
If you need more information on Google AdSense Just follow the steps at the site and sign up for an AdSense account. Once you have applied for an AdSense account, be patient - it could take from 1 - 5 days for your application to be reviewed. They will review your website and if they found is according to the norms of the GOOGLE ADSENSE POLICY’S, they will allow you. It might be faster too, so keep your fingers crossed.
Creating website or blog isn’t all enough, you have to tell people that there is something like your website exists, so go advertising, paste your website links on different FORUMS, send the link to your friends, so that more and more people will visit your pages. It will be disappointing for a few couple of weeks, but sooner you will get the good results. Even there was a time when I was making just 0.2 or 0.5 $ a day.
In addition to advertising and posting link, submit your website to different search engines, like GOOGLE, YAHOO, MSN etc, make your websites optimized according the norms of the search engines. If you are ready to spend few bucks some search websites which allows submission to various search engines by paying them a few bucks.
Now when You Google Adsense Account is activated place the ads on your website in such a manner that the visitor will think that it’s the content of the website otherwise you will end up no where. Do read GOOGLE ADSENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS and POLICY’S before posting the advertisements.
While adding the HTML codes of adsense on your pages, make sure that color of the fonts, background look like the same as your webpages, so when a visitor is scrolling on your pages, he will found the ads having the same content as your website and think that these aren’t ads but the part of the website, so he will click on it and you will get the money and he will get the content he want, Google pays somewhere in between 0.03 – 0.50$ (Rs1.0 to Rs.22) per click. Just think of that if you getting 1000 click per day, you will get something in between 30$ - 100$ per day. The all you have to do is to force visitor to click on the ads.
Don’t get panic on seeing term HTML codes, GOOGLE ADSENSE will tell you how to paste the adsense codes and its to easy to change the colures of the ads.
Read the Adsense terms and policies before posting adsense codes on your website. Google Adsense is very strict; if he will see any policy violation it will discontinue your account for ever.
Some common mistakes that a user usually do—
·Do not paste more than three ad units on one page,
·Do not fiddle with Adsense codes.
·Do not click on your ads, if you do it accidentally tell them you made a mistake.
·Do not put competitive advertisements on your websites.
·Do not make a website having the adult content. Google is very strict against pornography and adult material. They will ban you without even giving a second chance.